Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Place Called Christmas Hill

A Place Called Christmas Hill

- Korean War Memorial -
by Suchoon Mo

Christmas Hill was located in the sector in North Korea known as "Punch Bowl." Korean Army 7th Infantry Division, 5th Regiment, fought over Christmas Hill against the Chinese Army. The regiment was supported by 623rd Field Artillery Battalion, Kentucky National Guard, US Army.

Christmas Hill
War Museum, Seoul, Korea

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BP and Jesus

The Pelican

Legend has it that the pelican, a sea bird, gets angry with its young and killed them. It then so regrets its action that it tears its own breast with its beak, and its blood brings its young back to life. The pelican is seen to represent the sacrifice of Christ, whose blood is shed to so that all may participate in his risen life, and especially those who drink his blood (wine) in Communion.

- John Bowker. World Religion. DK Publishing, 1997 -

BP oil spill is smearing the pelican
BP is anointing Jesus with black oil

bath the pelican
bath Jesus
John the Baptist
where are you?

Sunday, June 13, 2010